Copenhagen Culture Night

Saturday, 12 October 2019
  • 11 hours
  • Copenhagen Downtown Hostel
  • Vandkunsten 5, 1467 Copenhagen, Denmark (directions)
Event Details

Celebrating Danish culture together!

Culture Night (Kulturnatten) is one of Copenhagen's most well-attended annual cultural events since 1993.
Welcome to Copenhagen Downtown Hostel, where many people soak up the excitement and atmosphere of a wonderful night and an intense experience

The night's events take place all over Copenhagen and more than 700 events will be held across the city during the night!
Therefore, its best to stay in the center of Copenhagen at our Hostel if you plan to attend.

We invite you to warm up and get ready for the night with us starting from 18:00

We will be serving beers, colorful cocktails and a lot of discounts at the bar!!

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