Easter Celebrations in Copenhagen
As we forget about winter and leap into spring with the first cherry blossoms brightening up the city, it's time for Danes to celebrate Påske—Easter—a holiday filled with traditions, delicious food, and of course, plenty of drinks. If you're visiting Denmark or are curious about Danish Easter celebrations, you’re in for a treat. So, crack open your traditional Easter beer and get ready for the holiday season! Here’s a peek into what we’ll be doing to celebrate this special time of year.
Easter festivities in Copenhagen bring together traditions as well as some modern elements (chocolate!) and include the festive favourites Easter Egg hunts, food with friends and family over the celebration weekend, as well as the strong Easter Beer!
Easter this year takes place at the end of April, with the holiday weekend lasting from Thursday 17th to Easter Monday on 21st April, with the traditional Easter lunch taking place on Easter Sunday. During this time many places will close although some restaurants will be offering special Easter Menus. You can also enjoy some shopping with Copenhagen's Easter markets at the Højbro Plads featuring handcrafts and decorations and local treats, and Frederiksberg Easter Market has food and music.
Easter Sweets!
Easter in Denmark wouldn’t be the same without indulging in chocolate eggs and marzipan! Danes love their sweets, and Easter brings a selection of Easter eggs, bunny-shaped chocolates, marzipan sweets and pastries. An Easter favourite is påskemarzipan—Easter marzipan pastries. Kringle is a traditional Danish pastry that is typically made from buttery, flaky dough and filled with sweet ingredients like marzipan, fruit, or nuts. It’s shaped into a twisted, pretzel-like shape, and delicious!
The traditional påskelam (Easter lamb) cake, often made of marzipan or chocolate, is a favorite for many, especially as a centerpiece for dessert after a festive Easter lunch. Enjoy with an aquavit!
A Toast to Tradition: Easter Beer – Påskebryg
One of the most anticipated traditions during Easter in Denmark is the arrival of the strong, specially brewed Easter beer known as Påskebryg. This beer has been a part of Danish culture for centuries, with many people eagerly awaiting its return just like the Christmas brew. It’s a time to gather with friends and family and enjoy a glass (or two) of this festive brew. A visit to the bar at the Copenhagen Downtown Hostel is a must to try the latest version of this classic seasonal beer.
The Tuborg brewery has been brewing its iconic Easter beer for over 100 years, and it's a favourite part of the holiday season. Known for its strong flavor (and higher alcohol content), Påskebryg is usually drunk with Danish Easter lunch, which typically includes dishes like pickled herring, rye bread, and roast lamb.
Easter Lunch
A traditional Danish Easter lunch, or påskefrokost, is all about gathering friends and family to relax, indulge, and enjoy great food and company. It’s an all-day feast filled with delicious dishes such as roasted lamb, pickled herring, salmon, green beans, red cabbage, smoked meats, cheeses, and eggs. This festive meal is often paired with the traditional Easter beer or enjoyed with a glass of local schnapps or aquavit. In southern Denmark, there’s a unique tradition called the solaeg (sun egg), where eggs are boiled with onion skins to color the yolk, adding a special touch to the celebration.
Homemade Aquavit & Easter Schnapps
No Danish Easter celebration would be complete without schnapps, and of course, aquavit is the drink of choice. Traditionally homemade, Danish families often create their own Easter schnapps to enjoy alongside the Easter festivities. Whether it's a homemade recipe passed down through generations or a fresh batch made each year, the strong and herbaceous taste of aquavit is the perfect complement to the rich flavors of Easter meals. It’s not unusual to see family members raising a glass with a hearty “Skål!” as they toast to good health and good times.
Poem for a Kiss
For many years, Danes have celebrated the charming tradition of sending a gækkebrev, an anonymous letter with a rhyming poem, often referred to as a "fool's letter." The poem is intricately cut out of white paper, resembling a delicate snowflake. This creative letter is traditionally sent alongside the first signs of spring, which in Denmark is marked by the blooming of the first snowdrops.
The sender of the gækkebrev remains anonymous, but they leave a clue to their identity by placing a series of dots on the letter as a hint at the name.If the recipient guesses the sender's identity correctly, they are rewarded with a lucky kiss! These days the rhyme and the paper snowflake still take place but the kiss has been replaced with an Easter egg or some sweet candy!

Tivoli Gardens: A Spring and Easter Events
Opens 4th April
Opening its doors this April for the season after its winter closure, Tivoli Gardens, one of the world's oldest amusement parks, bursts into spring with over 130,000 flowers blooming! Enjoy the spring blossom and themed festive decorations for Easter as the park comes back to life after the winter. There are Easter-themed rides, and festive decorations, and Easter egg hunts for the kids - they even have Easter lambs. For those wanting to enjoy the funfair rides, you can get various passes for rides or just pay as you go - there is information here. Check out the food stalls and Easter menus or just enjoy the park in bloom!
So, crack open that Easter beer, raise a glass of aquavit, and wish everyone around you a hearty God Påske!
Happy Easter from us here at Copenhagen Downtown Hostel!
Easter at Copenhagen Downtown Hostel
Come and join us at Copenhagen Downtown Hostel for an Easter celebration to remember! We will be celebrating what Easter is all about - togetherness! And this means Easter Eggs, our Easter Party, and plenty of cocktails made just for you. Come and join the fun at our international bar or just enjoy celebrating the festive weekend in good company. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!