How to Celebrate Easter like the Danish

07 Mar 2020


How to throw a Traditional Easter Celebration like the Danish

This year we may well be spending Easter with some social distancing from our friends and family, but there are still some traditions which we can enjoy. We would love to be sharing the celebrations with all our hostel family, but we will be doing just that - but in spirit only, as we shall have to send virtual hugs! But we will be enjoying a traditional Easter lunch - Påskefrokost, schnapps (aquavit), chocolates, the Easter poem, and of course - traditional Easter strong beer!! Here is how to celebrate Påske, or Easter, like a Dane.

How to Celebrate Easter like the Danish

A Traditional Easter in Denmark

Blue skies and Spring in the air, Copenhagen is lush with blossom on the trees and fresh flowers springing up in the parks. As soon as the long winter nights are over and the sunshine returns to give us longer days, we prepare ourselves for our favourite spring time celebration- Easter. There is one tradition at this time of year that we will definitely be sticking to, whatever the weather, and that is the traditional Easter Beer- a particularly strong brewed one that is released for the occasion. God påske!

How to Celebrate Easter like the Danish

Easter Beer Arrives - Påskebryg

This is one the of the most popular Easter traditions! It actually does date back centuries, so along with being very popular, it is also historical, with a traditional wait for this strong beer to arrive - like the Christmas brew!  The traditional Easter Tuborg beer has been brewed each year for over 100 years! The Easter beer is specially brewed and like the German Spring beers it is particularly strong and flavoursome! Lots will be drunk over the Easter holiday weekend, so pace yourself on the strong stuff! The brew is very popular still and we can't wait for this year's brew to arrive!

Traditional Easter Lunch in Denmark - Påskefrokost

Enjoy a day of eating and drinking, Danish style! Like many European countries, Easter lunch, or påskefrokost, is and all-day feast traditionally where family and friends get together over food and drinks. The celebrations are generally best served with Easter beer, and you can start off with some schnapps! The food served is traditional Danish food, usually a menu of roasted lamb, salmon, chicken, herring, smoked meats, cheese and eggs. In the south of Denmark there is a tradition of the Sun Egg, or solaeg, where the eggs are boiled with onion so that the yolk turns a dark colour. Eat up and enjoy a Danish Easter feast!

How to Celebrate Easter like the Danish

A Kiss for your Poem

This has now evolved to be more an Easter Egg in exchange, but we prefer the kiss version. So, for years there has been a tradition of sending an anonymous rhyming poem - a gækkebrev (or fool's letter) which is written on a paper snowflake shape. These are supposed to be sent with a snowdrop, which is the the first flower of spring in Denmark.

The secret admirer is then supposed to give a clue of their name (or hint the number of letters in it). If you can guess who the sender is correctly, then you can claim your lucky kiss! Or these days more likely an Easter Egg. Probably better with social distancing!!

HHow to celebrate Easter like the Danish

Easter Egg Throwing

Painted and decorated eggs are a tradition, and so is throwing them. The children usually throw the The aim of the game is to see who can throw them the furthest - usually a game for kids but anyone can join in. There is also of course the tradition of chocolate and sweets - Danish people love candy, so this is always popular.

Happy Easter from all of us at Copenhagen Downtown Hostel!

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